Unofficial Fan Club?
Yes, this is the website of the Unofficial Norton Motorcycles Fan Club. If you are looking for the official Norton Motorcycles Website. Follow this link.
Identify this Norton
(Photograph courtesy of Jon Müller)
Please help in identifying the Norton motorcycle of Jens Müller, one of the only three man who managed to escape from Stalag Luft III in 1944. We think it is a Norton CS1 but want to be sure! Use our contact form if you are able to identify the model in this picture from the late thirties.
Welcome to our Fan Club
We hope you like the new design of the website. We recommend starting with reading Krzysztof’s Motorcycle Adventures.
Did you know?
Did you know that Norton is originally from Birmingham, founded in 1898.
…around the World!
The Norton Motorcycles FanClub is a loose connection of afficionados of Norton Motorcycles. We are looking for new members mainly in the United Kingdom, Poland, Germany, Austria and Spain but Fans of these magnificent motorcycles are welcome across Europe and beyond. You don’t need to own a Norton to join us, but share our excitement and love for this rare brand of motorbikes.
As a Fan Club we organize joint journeys and share our knowledge of tendance and maintenance. If you want to meet other people beeing as passionate about Norton Motorcycles as yoursef or simply like to talk about them please get in touch.